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Manipulation and positioning of a transformer

Lifthing received the request to manipulate and position a transformer. We have jacked the transformer from the low loader and then placed it in position with a skidding system.

Manipulate and position transformers

Let’s explain the situation briefly. Lifthing has jacked the transformer that weighed about 75 tonnes from the low loader. We then placed it in position by means of a skidding system. Here also, we were not able to use a telescopic crane because we were assigned to place the transformer in a certain construction. Instead of using the crane we used our jacks and our skidding system to position the transformer.

Would you like to find out more about manipulating and positioning a transformer?

Are there any other questions about mounting and manipulation that we can answer for you? Don’t hesitate to contact us. It’s important to know that the Lifthing’s material is always up-to-date.

Click on the images for a larger view

sectorSECTOR: Machine manufacturer
regioREGION: France, Fréjus
gewichtWEIGHT: 76,5 ton
tijdstipEXECUTED: 2017

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