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Jacking and sledding of a transformer

In an environment of high voltage, it is not always possible to work with a telescopic crane in order to move a transformer. This was also the case in this project. We had to jack and slide the transformer.

Jacking and sledding the transformer

Lifthing has unloaded a transformer of about 75 tonnes from a truck and then slid it to its location. It is not always possible to execute such an operation with a telescopic crane. Sometimes there are high voltage lines that are in the way that make it impossible to work with a crane. Such was the case in this instance; we could not use a crane because we had to place the transformers in a certain construction. So, we utilized our jacks and our skidding system to move the transformer. How did we manage to do that? We worked from the truck, jacked up the transformers and stuck tracks under them. This way we were able to slide the transformer to and into a certain construction.

Do you need more information about jacking and skidding a transformer?

Are there any more questions we can answer for you, including about industrial moves? Then don’t hesitate to contact us. Read more about one of our largest cranes.

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sectorSECTOR: Machine manufacturer
regioREGION: France, Fréjus
gewichtWEIGHT: 76,5 ton
tijdstipEXECUTED: 2017

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